Tustin Nonprofit Community Fundraising and Events Calendar
Our Tustin Nonprofit Community is stronger when we all work together. Please refer to this calendar when planning events and activities. We are more powerful when we empower each other. #TustinStrong
The Tustin Community Foundation and Tustin Mayor Austin Lumbard invite you to attend the Nonprofit Connects on Zoom on the last Wednesday of January, March, May, July and September. The Tustin Community Foundation’s continuing goal is to keep you up-to-date on community events, learn about your outreach, listen to your ideas, and work together to best serve our community moving forward. Each meeting will have a guest speaker on a relevant topic
All amateur and professsional chefs are invited to join us at the Tustin Community Foundation's 1st Annual Chef's Gourmet Cooking Contest at the d'Vine Wine Affair and show off your culinary skills for a great cause! The Tustin Community Foundation directs charitable funds to the real, immediate and ever-changing needs of greater Tustin, primarily though the awarding […]
The afternoon will include generous pourings and tastes, live entertainment, a Silent Auction where you can bid on a wide array of gifts donated by area merchants, Foundation members and friends and a Wine Store where you can stock up on wine for the holidays! Truly, this will be a fun afternoon to remember! Underwritten […]
If you weren't able to attend our Volunteer Speed Matching Event in January, don't worry! Any of the groups listed on the left would love the chance to tell you about their organization. Just click on the name and find something you care about. Finding dues paying members is more difficult than it used […]
The Heart of Tustin: Welcome Home Event features: Festive Opening Ceremony (9:30 am) Tour of Vintage Homes and Gardens (opening at 10 am) Live Musical Entertainment Vintage Car and Travel Trailer Show Maypole Dance (several times) Horse-drawn Trolley Quilt Show by Flying Geese Quilting Guild Guided Tree Walk with Guy Stivers (10:30 am) Expanded Marketplace […]